Our Team
Our team of experts is dedicated to overcoming the obstacles of providing safe water to those in need. With backgrounds in engineering, operations, finance, health and government policy, we are focused on achieving lasting impact on human development.
STEVE stewart
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
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randy webb
Chief Finance Officer
The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Donec eget risus diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.
Vice President Oversees Operations
Jon Naugle has spent the past 30 years transferring technology to businesses in Africa to solve African problems in small scale irrigation, agro-processing, improved cookstoves and rural water supply. An agricultural engineer by training (BS McGill University 1980, MS Cornell University 1986) his passion for manual drilling dates back to his experiences working in small-scale horticulture in the late 1980s in Niger. Prior to joining Access Development he was Technical Director, EnterpriseWorks, a Division of Relief International where he had worked for 17 years in a variety of capacities.
West Africa Operations
Ibrahim has 20 years of experience working in all aspects of low cost water supply both for irrigation and for potable water. After finishing his technical training in Bamako, Mali he returned to Niger where he worked for the Water Ministry rehabilitating village hand pumps. He then joined EnterpriseWorks and supervised field work in small scale irrigation introducing treadle pumps and hand drilled wells as part of a World Bank funded small scale irrigation project. Following this he took the lead for Enterprise