4Ward aims to continuously shape and build its identity as an accountable, strategic, growing and missional enterprise through training and competency across a spectrum of managerial and technical skills development. 4Ward offers the following services in the markets we serve:
Water point installation
We site, plan, design and construct water points tailored to community needs, from hand pumps to piped water for homes, schools and clinics.
Supply-chain management
We source, procure and fabricate system components that can be maintained locally by our partners in their customer service areas.
Hygiene promotion, marketing and sales
We trigger demand for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) products and servicesby leading communities to understand the value of market-based WASH systems for improved health and well-being.
Enterprise development
Bolstering business and community leadership through personal and professional growth in spiritual formation, financial management, and business growth.
Impact and quality monitoring
Continuous improvement is asset management, impact measurement, and customer feedback through real-time monitoring.
Partnership development
Engaging with local governments, communities, and other sector stakeholders to plan tailored safe water solutions that are affordable for the communities they serve.